Tuesday, November 9, 2010


.. and welcome to my new tarot blog. I've been collecting decks now since 1984 when I purchased my very first deck in a little new age shop in Woodstock, NY.

Since then my collection has grown to 100+ decks, and my passion for tarot has grown exponentially. I had no idea what I was getting into when I picked up that first deck. No idea.

Since I'm a writer by trade, I figured it was high time I marry my two passions and start blogging about my favorite addiction, er...hobby, that is.

I don't have a clear mission for this blog yet. For now, I'm thinking I'll do some deck reviews, keep a reading journal...and just sort of free fall like THE FOOL...and see where this blog ends up.

Just getting rolling here. I'm at the Ace of Pentacles stage, you might say...

I just did a quick layout for this venture, and I rolled out: The Magician, Queen of Cups (that's me), Prince of Pentacles, Nine of Pentacles, The Emperor, and The Sun.

Hmnn...this little side venture might turn into something bigger than I'm thinking...at any rate, sure promises to be fun...

Oh, and that pic up there to the right? That's the Ace of Cups from the Deviant Moon Tarot by Patrick Valenza--the same deck from which my background Lover's card is derived. Rumor has it, Valenza's got a new deck due out very soon, which he's calling the 444 deck. (Interesting numerology going on there. This Valenza guy has surely got something up his sleeve.)

Check him out at: Deviant Moon Tarot

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