Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Infinite Visions Tarot Review

Just picked up this deck last week. It's the first homemade deck I've ever purchased. For the most part, I really like it. The images are simple and clean, so when you lay them out for a reading, you get the story immediately. For that reason, I think this would make a nice deck for tarot beginners.

There are a couple of interesting card additions to this deck that you won't find in any other tarot decks.

Yep, that's one of them: The Dark Priestess. I must admit that one of the reasons I chose to purchase this deck is to check out this evil-looking woman. The deck's creator, Gloria Jean, gives this meaning to the card:

This card is a warning. Although this card is a feminine energy, this agent can most certainly be a man. Simply put, she represents an acquaintance who pretends to be a friend, but whose agenda is hidden and whose loyalty lies with opposing forces or directly with your enemy.

She can be utilized as a double agent and you can glean much information from her, but she cannot be trusted with true secrets as she is sleeping with or married to the enemy.

It is important to understand that the Dark Priestess represents a person with an agenda who functions as a spy. She may be a friendly acquaintance, associate, or co-worker. She collects information and may use it for gossip or for her own agenda. Treat her as politely as you would treat a member of an opposing team and keep her at a distance from your inner circle. She may seem to be a nice person but she is committed to your enemy by choice or obligation. She could even be a member of your immediate family.

Key words: "Married to the enemy" or "Sleeping with the enemy."

Sadly, this card turns up for me on a regular basis when I consult this deck. I guess I'm glad that Gloria thought to include her, seeing as she has so many real-life counterparts. Reminds me that I need to choose my friends more wisely. :)

Not to be outdone, of course...the Dark Priestess's male counterpart, The Dark Magician, also rears his ugly head in this deck. Gloria says:

Lock your doors, sound the drums, something evil this way comes. The energy of this card personifies anger, bad intentions, hateful thoughts, black magic, or psychic attacks. It can also represent repressed anger that has degenerated into a deep depression that may be hidden and destructive. This card may simply alert you to an angry presence that could be dangerous. You will probably know who it is.

The Dark Magician is sometimes a warning and a head's up. He is telling you to be aware of an enemy who watches you from a hidden place or maybe even lurks in the heart of a close friend. There is jealously, fear, hatred and disdain, behind this energy.

He is the wounded one who has sank into deep despair, sadness, hopelessness and may express these emotions through anger and violence.

It could be intentional dark magic or natural dark magic; which is done on an unconscious level. The focus and feeling of this card is that an enemy lurks closely, searching for your weakness, and for an opportunity to exploit it.

As far as emotional energy, this card represents the ones at the bottom of the barrel, such as grief, depression, anger, fear, hopelessness and desperation.

I see this guy quite often in my readings too. Sheesh, you can't trust anyone these days, can you?

Anyway, this deck is worth checking out, and if you know someone who is just getting started in tarot, I think this deck makes a good alternative to some of the other standard beginner's decks.

To purchase your own copy of this deck, click here: Infinite Visions Tarot

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