Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Tarot of the Vampyres Review

Okay, I'll admit it. I was skeptical about purchasing this deck. Ever since I purchased the Thoth deck way back when (who knows how many years ago that was now), I vowed to myself that I'd never purchase another "dark deck" and surely this "vampyre" deck must be another one of those--or so I thought. But I'd read some of the other reviews out there and everyone seemed to love it. So with much reservation, I purchased it.  I'm a collector, after all, gotta have the latest "rave" deck, don't I?

What a surprise. This has quickly come to be one of my all time favorite decks. Truly. It's absolutely gorgeous, and save for the little touches of blood here and there, there's really nothing sinister or "dark" about this deck. I love everything about it. Even the backs of the cards are gorgeous! The book is absolutely brilliant. It has given me some new insights into some of the cards. This is my favorite type of deck: beautiful images that match the original card meanings coupled with a "real" book with well thought out card interpretations. Who could ask for anything more?

The only thing I'd ask for now is another deck by this same creator. I sure hope Ian Daniels is working on another masterpiece right now. To purchase your own deck (and you MUST if you are a true tarot enthusiast), click here: The Tarot of the Vampyres

 (I think this is one of the most beautiful renditions of The Lovers card in my entire tarot collection.)

1 comment:

  1. This is a killer deck! I highly recommend it as well.


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